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Love You Mum Balloon Bouquet

Love You Mum Balloon Bouquet


Bubble Balloon Bouquet


This lovely balloon bouquet is the perfect gift this Mothers Day.

The bubble bouquet consists of one bubble balloon and two foil balloons.


You can choose from hearts stars or circles in flaming pink or gold. You are welcome to have a mix of balloons, they do not need to be the same shape or colour.


Personalisation - The plain balloons can be personalised with names or a short message such as Nan, Mum, Love You Mum, We love you etc.

Please include full personalisation on your order or your balloons will be left blank.


All ribbons and weights will be supplied in matching colours.


Please see the last images for an idea on how the balloons will look when complete.

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Function Junction,

Pinewood Nurseries, Wexham Street,

Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, SL3 6NB


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